Comprehensive DevOps Monitoring: Prometheus, Node Exporter, Blackbox & Alert manager with Email Notifications

Comprehensive DevOps Monitoring: Prometheus, Node Exporter, Blackbox & Alert manager with Email Notifications

In this project, we will build a comprehensive DevOps monitoring solution using Blackbox Exporter, Node Exporter, Alert manager, and Prometheus. The goal is to set up a robust monitoring system that ensures high availability and performance for applications by continuously tracking system metrics and availability.

We will configure the Blackbox Exporter to monitor endpoints and ensure service uptime, while the Node Exporter will be used to collect key metrics from system hardware. Prometheus will act as the core monitoring and alerting tool, scraping the metrics and storing them efficiently. Additionally, we will configure Alert manager to handle alerts based on predefined conditions, including setting up email notifications for prompt issue resolution.

This project demonstrates the full monitoring lifecycle for a system, making it an essential part of any DevOps workflow, ensuring stability, performance, and rapid response to system failures.


  • 2 - t2.medium ec2 with 20 GB each. (say instance 1 as monitoring and 2 as app vm)

  • Deploy one web page using apache or nginx on one instance.


  • Prometheus port: 9090

  • BlackBox Exporter port: 9115

  • Node Exporter port: 9100

  • Alert Manager port: 9093

1. Installing and Setup Monitoring tools:

  • SSH into the monitoring ec2 instance and update the packages using:

      sudo apt update
  • Download prometheus:

    1. Go to

    2. Copy prometheus download link and download using:

       #Download the prometheus 
       #Untar the prometheus downloaded package
       tar -xvf
       #Rename unzip file to prometheus
       mv prometheus
  • Download BlackBox Exporter:

    1. Go to

    2. Copy BlackBox exporter download link and download using:

       #Download blackbox exporter using the link
       #Untar the tar file
       tar -xvf blackbox_exporter-0.25.0.linux-amd64.tar.gz
       #Rename unzip file to blackbox for ease
       mv blackbox_exporter-0.25.0.linux-amd64.tar.gz blackbox
  • Download Alert Manager:

    1. Go to

    2. Copy Alert exporter download link and download using:

       #Download Alert Manager using the link
       #Untar the tar file
       tar -xvf alertmanager-0.27.0.linux-amd64.tar.gz
       #Rename unzip file to blackbox for ease
       mv alertmanager-0.27.0.linux-amd64.tar.gz alertmanager

Setup Alert rules in Prometheus:

  1. Go into the prometheus folder:

     cd prometheus
  2. Create file alert_rules.yml and put the below content in it.

       - name: alert_rules
           - alert: InstanceDown
             expr: up == 0
             for: 1m
               severity: critical
               summary: 'Endpoint {{ $labels.instance }} down'
               description: >-
                 {{ $labels.instance }} of job {{ $labels.job }} has been down for
                 more than 1 minute.
           - alert: WebsiteDown
             expr: probe_success == 0
             for: 1m
               severity: critical
               description: 'The website at {{ $labels.instance }} is down.'
               summary: Website down
           - alert: HostOutOfMemory
             expr: node_memory_MemAvailable / node_memory_MemTotal * 100 < 25
             for: 5m
               severity: warning
               summary: 'Host out of memory (instance {{ $labels.instance }})'
               description: |-
                 Node memory is filling up (< 25% left)
                  VALUE = {{ $value }}
                  LABELS: {{ $labels }}
           - alert: HostOutOfDiskSpace
             expr: >-
               (node_filesystem_avail{mountpoint="/"} * 100) /
               node_filesystem_size{mountpoint="/"} < 50
             for: 1s
               severity: warning
               summary: 'Host out of disk space (instance {{ $labels.instance }})'
               description: |-
                 Disk is almost full (< 50% left)
                  VALUE = {{ $value }}
                  LABELS: {{ $labels }}
           - alert: HostHighCpuLoad
             expr: >-
               (sum by
               > 80
             for: 5m
               severity: warning
               summary: 'Host high CPU load (instance {{ $labels.instance }})'
               description: |-
                 CPU load is > 80%
                  VALUE = {{ $value }}
                  LABELS:{{ $labels }}
           - alert: ServiceUnavailable
             expr: 'up{job="node_exporter"} == 0'
             for: 2m
               severity: critical
               summary: 'Service Unavailable (instance {{ $labels.instance }})'
               description: |-
                 The service {{ $labels.job }} is not available
                  VALUE = {{ $value }}
                  LABELS: {{ $labels }}
           - alert: HighMemoryUsage
             expr: (node_memory_Active / node_memory_MemTotal) * 100 > 90
             for: 10m
               severity: critical
               summary: 'High Memory Usage (instance {{ $labels.instance }})'
               description: |-
                 Memory usage is > 90%
                  VALUE = {{ $value }}
                  LABELS: {{ $labels }}
           - alert: FileSystemFull
             expr: (node_filesystem_avail / node_filesystem_size) * 100 < 10
             for: 5m
               severity: critical
               summary: 'File System Almost Full (instance {{ $labels.instance}})'
               description: |-
                 File system has < 10% free space
                  VALUE = {{ $value }}
                  LABELS: {{ $labels }}
  3. Now we will edit the prometheus.yml.

     vi prometheus.yml
  4. Give our rule file name under the rule_files section as alert_rules.yml

  5. Start/Restart Prometheus so that alert rules will reflect. It will run on port <ec2-publicip-prometheus>:9090.

     #To stop previously running prometheus service 
     prgrep prometheus
     #Use the above command output as id
     kill id
     #Start the prometheus 
     ./prometheus &

2. Install Node Exporter on App VM:

  • You need to install the node exporter to capture and send the metrics of the running web application to prometheus, for that node exporter should be installed on app vm where your web application is running.

  • Download Node Exporter:

    1. Go to

    2. Copy Node Exporter download link and download using:

       #Download Alert Manager using the link
       #Untar the tar file
       tar -xvf node_exporter-1.8.2.linux-amd64.tar.gz
       #Rename unzip file to blackbox for ease
       mv node_exporter-1.8.2.linux-amd64.tar.gz node_exporter
       #Change directory to prometheus
       cd node_exporter
       #Run prometheus in background
       ./node_exporter &

3. Configure Alert Manager Node and Blackbox Exporter in Prometheus:

  • Go into the prometheus folder and open prometheus.yml:

      cd prometheus
      #Open prometheus.yml
      vi prometheus.yml
  • Configure Alert Manager:

    1. Under alert manager configuration in target section provide <public-ip-alert-manager>:9093 where alert manager is running.

  • Configure Node Exporter:

    1. Under scrape _configs section we need to add the job for Node exporter.

       - job_name: node_exporter
             - targets: ['<public-ip-nodeexporter>:9100']
    2. Restart the prometheus if already started and you will see that the node exporter is added to prometheus targets section.

  • Configure BlackBox exporter:

    1. Under scrape _configs section we need to add the job for BlackBox exporter.

         - job_name: blackbox
           metrics_path: /probe
               - http_2xx
             - targets:
                 - http://your-website-ip:8080
             - source_labels:
                 - __address__
               target_label: __param_target
             - source_labels:
                 - __param_target
               target_label: instance
             - target_label: __address__
               replacement: <public-ip-blackbox>:9115

    2. Restart/Start the prometheus and blackbox exporter, you will see that the blackbox exporter is added to prometheus targets section.

4. Configure alerts using Alert Manager:

  • Go inside folder alert manager:

      cd alert_manager
      #Remove the previous alertmanager.yml
      rm alertmanager.yml
      #Create new alertmanager.yml
      vi alertmanager.yml
  • Paste the below content in alertmanager.yml

        group_by: [ 'alertname' ]
        group_wait: 30s
        group_interval: 5m
        repeat_interval: 1h
        receiver: 'email-notifications'
        - name: 'email-notifications'
            - to:
              smarthost: ''
              auth_password: "wsdl imvc auzb kihw"
              send_resolved: true
        - source_match:
            severity: 'critical'
            severity: 'warning'
          equal: ['alertname', 'dev', 'instance']
  • Start the alert manager using:

      cd alertmanager
      #Starting the alert manager in background
      ./alertmanager &

Here we are done with the configuration part now we will test, weather the tools configured are working.

5. Testing the Alert Manager:

  • By stopping the web application:

    Stop the running web application on the VM.Go to prometheus > Alert > Website Down alert will be fired and you will get the mail to the configured mail id.

  • By taking down node exporter:

    We will stop the node exporter service so that it will fire the email for Service unavailable and instance down.

    • Below is the screenshot showcasing the alert that we got through email regarding the service unavailable.


In this project, we successfully set up a full-fledged DevOps monitoring solution using Prometheus, Blackbox Exporter, Node Exporter, and Alertmanager. This comprehensive setup enables real-time system and application monitoring, allowing you to track vital metrics and ensure service uptime. By integrating Alertmanager with email notifications, we’ve established a proactive alerting system that ensures timely responses to potential issues, helping teams maintain high system reliability and performance.

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